Rinaldo M. Colombo


Anno Accademico 2019-2020

Analisi Applicata - Procedure Python

The python rotines below are freely available. Please, be careful using them: there may well be bugs or even serious errors.
I welcome any correction or sugggestion for improvement.
Their aim is to be of help to the students of Applied Analysis: they have to be simple, easy to use, hopefully portable to various operating systems and, why not, to some extent also intriguing...

Unzip the zip files in a directory. Then, from that directory, run the command

python FTCS_[type of BC].py [name of dir containing the parameters.py file]


python FTCS_Dirichlet.py D0

and (hopefully) it will work!
Enjoy modifying parameters.py to see how the solution changes.

Last updated 24.10.2019